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brentwood park
we know & love


What's been happening?

We are a group of long-time residents of the Brentwood Park neighbourhood who love our community and are deeply concerned about the impacts the Provincial Government's new housing policies will have on well-established neighbourhoods like ours.  More importantly, we are concerned about Provincial Government over-reach and the loss of autonomy that local municipalities and citizens have in influencing how our communities are shaped. 

Intense and unbridled densification in communities like Brentwood Park without oversight by local governments will destabilize communities, create disjointed neighbourhoods and will upset their sense of community and identity forever.  New Provincial policies fly in the face of several decades of well-thought out municipal land use planning and leaves communities to be shaped by developers who have little regard for existing residents.  Transformation of neighbourhoods may come at a protracted rate at first, but the pace of development will expedite over time. Further strain will be placed on already over-capacity community services such as schools, daycares, healthcare, recreation and community centres.  Infrastructure such as roads, sewers, water, power, and transportation will be over-burdened and will require costly upgrades that will be funded, in part, by tax payers. 

Since the beginning of 2024, we have been lobbying Provincial Government officials through extensive letter/email writing campaigns, petitioning, meeting with our local MLA, meeting with Opposition Leaders and candidates, talking to journalists from various media outlets and meeting with our Mayor and Council on numerous occasions.   Our goal was to work together with the City to appeal to the Provincial Government to allow flexibility in Bill 47 so that municipalities can adjust Transit Oriented Area (TOA) boundaries based on unique circumstances surrounding each TOA ring.  Despite our extensive efforts and support from our Mayor and Council, no tangible results have been achieved.  


In the meantime, land assemblers and developers continue to descend upon our community in droves with the intent to demolish our homes to erect 8-storey and 12-storey towers.   There are already 3 properties listed for sale on Southlawn Drive for a land assembly. 


Additionally, effective July 1, 2024, Bill 44 legislation came into effect.  The prior R-10 zoning that was in place for almost 40 years across Brentwood Park has been replaced with new R1 zoning (that applies to all neighbourhoods across Burnaby), permitting the development of up to 6 separate dwelling units that are 4 stories (12 metres) high for each lot in Brentwood Park.   

What now?


We have discovered a valuable asset that can be used to prevent high density development in Brentwood Park that does not require government assistance.   Most homes in Brentwood Park are protected by Statutory Building Schemes registered on title that restrict the use of land in our neighbourhood to single family dwellings.  If appropriate action is taken, this legal agreement can be very effective at preventing development contemplated under Bills 44 and 47 in Brentwood Park. 


Contact us to learn more about this valuable asset.  

Our future is in our own hands.   We need your support to save our community from being destroyed by new Provincial legislation that will primarily result in more expensive condos.   


Click here to find out what you can do to help Save Brentwood Park. 

Are you a renter in Brentwood Park?  You can help too!  Click here to learn more.

Burnaby 2050 - New Land Designations for a new OCP

In response to the Province's mandated housing policies, the City of Burnaby is working on the Burnaby 2050 project which will influence the development of a new Official Community Plan (OCP) that will guide and manage the City’s growth over the next 25 years. 

Please click here to see the City's vision for Brentwood Park. 

New housing policies represent a gross over-reach by the Provincial Government and erosion of private property rights. The NDP's one-size-fits-all approach strips away municipal decision-making and oversight in land use planning and removes the requirement for public consultation.

Brentwood Park residents have come together to lobby government officials against indiscriminately applying Bill 47 to our neighbourhood.  

This site was created as a resource for community members to learn about how their properties will be impacted as a result. We hope that more people will come forward to support our cause to save the neighbourhood we all cherish.  


Where do I start?

Provincial Housing Policies

Check out our explainer pages about the new provincial housing policies in effect.

Impacts to Residents

These Provincial housing policies will have profound impacts on any neighbourhood located near a Skytrain station. Click here to read more!

What Can I do to Help?

Click here to find out what you can do to help.

In the News

Here are some recent articles relevant to our cause.

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